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Clinton Ortiz

Advanced Capital Marketing is the corporate industry leader in effectively bringing a successful image to any company we work with. A key ingredient of a successful business is communicating the right image to your potential customers. It's crucial that you present a professional, consistent and compelling corporate identity to prospects, customers and investors alike. We have the experience, conceptual skills, and contacts which help propel a company that perhaps has struggled to be seen among its competitors, into the company that steals attention away from all the rest. For current products, and even for companies as a whole, we provide brand identity which translates a strategic vision into a more consistent and memorable image to be associated through brand name and/or logo.

Advanced Capital Marketing works with companies as an all-inclusive consultant, full-service agency, and corporate identity facilitator from concept, strategy, design, implementation, to management. From the transforming of outdated static identities into dynamic new media branding We provide every competency as your business needs: including brand positioning, personality to brand name and logo as well as the complete rebranding of your overall corporate image from outdated identities, brands, product packages, and/or all your former promotional displays to one of a more updated and streamlined package and all for one low cost to fit your current needs in this uncertain, hard-hit global economy.

» Call Us for a Free Consultation 1-989-837-6315
Or Write Directly to our Midwest Field Office at 300 Bayliss Street, Midland Michigan 48640

Clinton Ortiz
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Advanced Capital Marketing Media Inc. and all of its Subsidiaries are Owned and Operated by Clinton A. Ortiz