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Clinton Ortiz

Advanced Capital Marketing and its news department can distribute your press release to applicable media outlets in our database comprising over 25,000 journalists, news desks, and freelance writers as well as major wire services and content syndicates specializing in all forms of media. Press releases have been known to make a company seemingly overnight. It has been proven the quickest format available today in getting a company name out to the masses. Ask us about out new viral marketing services. Going the distance to achieve your success, we guarantee your story is placed in as many as 3,800 sites, databases, and online news sources including Google, Yahoo, MSN, and AOL.

Our most popular targeted news plans range from $68 for a local one-state distribution to $349 for a comprehensive national package including wire feeds. If needed, we can create a press release package in advance of an event to cause media sensation, media interest, even attendees, should the stated event be made public. We can send your pre-written release out immediately, many times the very same day you contact us. Infused with our array of marketing strategies, we work hard to get you noticed. If you just have the formings of an early idea, or unfinished press release needing more informational text, we can help you develop, write, complete, or edit any form of media your company may want to promote and release it internationally as a major press release using key elements of our successfully proven marketing strategies.

» Call Us for a Free Consultation 1-989-837-6315
Or Write Directly to our Midwest Field Office at 300 Bayliss Street, Midland Michigan 48640

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Advanced Capital Marketing Media Inc. and all of its Subsidiaries are Owned and Operated by Clinton A. Ortiz